MHA | Agriculture & Rural Business Newsletter – September 2021

Agriculture & Rural Business Newsletter – September 2021

· Posted on: October 28th 2021 · read

Agri Newsletter Issue203 5402 1635432892

Welcome to our September edition of the MHA Agriculture & Rural Business Newsletter 

Another summer, another harvest and at the time of writing, the crops are in the sheds and farmers are breathing a sigh of relief – all be it for a short period of time though as there’s still plenty to do and important decisions to be made.

As those in the agricultural sector are only too aware - the rural economy affects every person in the country - from the food that we eat, to the countryside we walk in. It’s a sector that’s going through a seismic change - managing labour shortages, dealing with erratic weather patterns and the overhauling of a payment system through to feeding the nation, producing & harvesting sustainable resources and environmental stewardship – to name a few.

Whilst we can’t offer solutions to all these matters, we hope that the articles included in this edition may help with some of the current issues and give food for thought. In addition to looking at improvements with Capital Gains Tax, the simplification of MTD and a good news story about storage facilities, we discuss a new grant scheme for farmers in protected areas, review the 2020 Total Income From Farming report and take a look at your opinions on DEFRA.

Download this latest edition using the link below or if you would like to discuss more with our team of Agriculture & Rural Business Specialists, please get in touch.