MHA | Changes to paternity leave rules in April 2024

Changes to paternity leave rules in April 2024

Joanna Rose · Posted on: February 19th 2024 · read

HR Solutions February 24 3

The Paternity Leave (Amendment) Regulations 2024 will make the following changes to the current Paternity Leave provisions:

  • Currently, employees have to request Paternity Leave as either one week or two consecutive weeks; they will now be able to request two separate one-week blocks.
  • Currently, employees have to take Paternity Leave within 56 days of the birth or adoption of the child; they will now be able to take it at any time in the 52 weeks after the birth or adoption.
  • Currently, employees have to give notice of their intention to take Paternity Leave no later than 15 weeks before the Expected Week of Childbirth or the week in which the main adopter is notified of having been matched with the child; they will now only have to give 28 days’ notice.

These amendments will apply in respect of births and adoptions on or after 6 April 2024.

HRSolutions can draft a Paternity Leave policy for you and advise you on the whole range of family-friendly legislation.

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This insight was previously published in our HR Solutions February 2024 newsletter

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