MHA | Charities running lotteries – Code of Fundraising Practice

Charities running lotteries – Code of Fundraising Practice

· Posted on: June 23rd 2021 · read

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The Fundraising Regulator sets and maintains fundraising standards across the UK. They ensure that fundraising is legal, open, honest and respectful.

The Code of Fundraising Practice (the code) outlines the standards expected of charitable fundraisers across the UK.

What change to the code is being made and why?

A minor change to the current wording of standard 12.6.2 to reflect more accurately the legislation which underpins the standard on hosting a free draw for charitable fundraising purposes.

Standard 12.6.2 will be amended on two key points to remain in-line with the Gambling Act legislation:

  • the inclusion of a letter by ordinary post (either first-class or second-class) as an acceptable free method of entry;
  • the revision of the current wording on acceptable selection criteria for the draw.

Standard 12.6.2 of the code currently states:

To be a free draw the arrangement must either be completely ‘free’ to enter, as defined in the Gambling Act, or have a free method of entry, which must also be as accessible as and no less convenient than paying to enter. Anyone taking part using the free method must have the same chance of winning as they would if they paid to enter.

The new wording of standard 12.6.2:

To be a free draw the arrangement must either be completely free to enter or have a free method of entry. This free method of entry must either be a letter sent by ordinary post (first-class or second-class post) or another method of communication that is no more expensive and no less convenient than the paid method. The system for allocating prizes must not distinguish between entries made through the free or the paid method of entry.

Standards in the code where ‘must’ and ‘must not’ are in bold text indicate a standard based on a legal requirement (for example, a piece of law or case law).

The change comes into effect from 4 June 2021. Note, that this change to the wording will not require fundraisers to achieve a greater standard than was already set out in the code.

The code for Lotteries, prize competitions and free draws.

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