MHA | COP26 and the agriculture sector

COP26 and the agriculture sector

Joe Spencer · Posted on: November 5th 2021 · read

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How is COP26 relevant to the UK agriculture sector?

One of the key topics being discussed at COP26 conference in Glasgow is the importance of nature and sustainable land use as part of global action plan on climate change and a clean green recovery.

Agriculture and Rural Business Partner, Joe Spencer discusses what impact COP26 may have on UK agriculture businesses with Nick Parrish, Director of F. B. Parrish and Sons Limited in Bedfordshire. The Parrish family have been farming in the Greensand Ridge in Bedfordshire since 1927 and provide a wide range of produce to UK food retailers.

In this video they discuss how relevant COP26 is to the agriculture sector and why farming is not having a larger focus put on it at the conference, also what steps Parrish and Sons are taking to tackle their own carbon footprint.

Watch this insightful discussion in full below

Find out more

Stay tuned to our channels as we publish more videos on the key topics from COP26 or get in touch with our specialists today to discuss how these new measures will impact your business.

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