MHA | Coping with Customs

Coping with Customs

Andrew Thurston · Posted on: October 26th 2023 · read

Team Training

Are you an importer of goods into the UK and are you confident that you have the necessary knowledge and procedures in your business to comply with UK customs legislation?

If your response to the above is ‘No’ or ‘don’t know’ then you will need to review your current customs knowledge base within your business or face potentially crippling customs duty assessments and penalties.

Due to Brexit, all movements of goods in and out of the UK are now subject to customs controls. Businesses who have continued to trade with the European Union now have to understand and comply with UK Customs legislation.

There has been a severe shortage of available Customs-trained staff in the UK, MHA has provided support to many UK companies, over the last couple of years, with upskilling employees who are involved in operations requiring an understanding of Customs.

MHA’s ‘Coping with Customs’ training covers all the main areas that an importing business will need to have an awareness of. Within the training there is ample opportunity for open discussion on the practicalities of applying customs controls within the business, which ensures your staff leave the training with ideas for managing your customs compliance.

Failure to have a satisfactory level of knowledge on Customs within your business could pose a significant risk where costings are based on charges paid in relation to imports. Without understanding how these costs are determined, and ensuring any submission of data to HMRC is accurate, a business risks receiving a debt for underpaid customs duties that may remove any profit that was expected on the sale of the goods.

The business may also be unaware of potential duty reliefs which may help reduce duty costs within current supply chains. Our training covers duty reliefs and discusses how these may benefit your business and the potential risks.

Learning outcomes

The course covers:

  • An understanding of the importer/exporter’s responsibilities
  • Valuation of imports from a Customs perspective
  • Tariff Classification – Importance of commodity codes, best practice and ways of determining the codes for your goods
  • Customs Procedures - An understanding of UK customs procedures which may benefit your business to minimise duty costs
  • Recommended internal procedures designed to maintain compliance
  • Explanation of the customs import/export declaration (Form C88) and what to check
  • Explanation of key import and export documentation
  • Tariff Preference – How to determine Origin and claim the preferential status of goods
  • The changeover from CHIEF to CDS – The changes CDS will bring, and key actions UK importers and exporters must complete
  • Customs Compliance – What HMRC expect from UK importers and exporters and the HMRC customs audit process

Who should attend

This course is suitable for people in your business who are involved in the purchase, movement and sale of goods across the UK border. It also has sufficient content for those who may want to refresh their knowledge.

The departments within a business that this course would apply to are:

  • Export Administration
  • Shipping
  • Export Sales Administration
  • Logistics
  • Distribution
  • Finance/Accounts

The Presenter

MHA’s ‘Coping with Customs’ training is provided by our very experienced Customs Duty Consultant who has a wealth of HMRC experience on auditing international imports and exporters.

  • £1300 + VAT (provided via Microsoft Teams to unlimited attendees)
  • £1600 + VAT (provided to maximum of 8 attendees at one of our offices)
  • £TBA + VAT (provided at your business premises to unlimited attendees)

Get in touch

Take the necessary steps to ensure your business remains compliant with UK customs legislation. Join our 'Coping with Customs' training and equip your team with the essential knowledge to navigate the complexities of customs procedures effectively. Don't miss this opportunity to safeguard your business from potential risks and explore opportunities for duty reliefs within your supply chains.

Get in touch with our experienced customs experts.

Contact our team today!
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