MHA | ESG in Education

ESG in Education

· Posted on: February 8th 2024 · read

FE Digest Jan 3 789x443

Many educational institutions have already begun their Environmental, Social and Governance journey. At MHA we have supported a number of clients by using our own expertise and experience from our own journey. One of the keys to success is requiring a commitment from the top but also support from stakeholders at every level.

Educational leaders, governors and boards recognise that their core constituents – students, faculty and staff – want to be part of a purpose-led organisation. A deliberate, robust and intuitive ESG strategy, accompanied by a coherent action framework and transparent communication, will help educational establishments attract students and their parents/guardians, attract staff and enhance relationships with community, supply chain and governing organisations.

Because ESG is all about continuous improvement it sits naturally within the educational environment and addresses many core educational issues. ESG embraces ethics, service, protection, benefit, integrity and responsibility and a commitment to sustainability is particularly important to students and faculty.

The success of your ESG actions rely on a collaborative and collegiate programme involving governors and leaders, staff, faculty, students and your supply chain.

Key questions include:

  1. What internal forces are encouraging your ESG focus?
  2. What are your core constituents?
  3. What commitments are they seeking?
  4. Which environmental issues and risks are most material to your establishment?
  5. How far are you prepared to commit?
  6. What are your feasible goals?
  7. Will your strategy include operational changes?
  8. Will you effect behavioural change?
  9. What are your current and planned energy sources?
  10. What is your energy budget?
  11. Which sources of clean energy are available to you/appropriate?
  12. What infrastructure changes are feasible?
  13. Which actions will have the highest impact?

We are expecting to see a continued emphasis on ESG from various stakeholders and funders. We have seen how corporate codes of governance have now codified these considerations into the governance processes within organisations. So if you would like to hear more about the services we can offer please do get in touch.

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This insight was previously published in our FE & HE Digest Spring 2024

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