MHA | FE & HE Digest - Winter 2022

FE & HE Digest - Winter 2022

· Posted on: November 9th 2022 · read

Welcome to the Winter Edition of FE & HE Digest.

This update comes at a time of great uncertainty and shifts in the political landscape. Undoubtedly many Institutions will be in the midst of some interesting discussions over defined benefit pension schemes as well as dealing with rocketing energy costs and a difficult environment for recruitment and retention of staff.

We also eagerly await the outcome of the Office for National Statistics (ONS) review of the classification of FE Colleges, more details inside. In this edition we have set out a number of articles which we hope will be of interest.

If you do have any questions on any matter raised in this edition please do get in contact with one of the team.

This issue contains articles on:

  • Defined Benefit Pension - LGPS
  • Holiday Entitlement and Holiday Pay
  • Change in Designation?
  • Is the Bishop of Oxford dead?

Find out more

If there are any topics raised in this summer edition that you would like to talk to us more about, please do get in touch.

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