MHA | Finance Directors Update Course Recordings – February 2023

Finance Directors Update Course Recordings – February 2023

Bob Trunchion · Posted on: February 23rd 2023 · read

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Our February 2023 Finance Directors Update Course is now available to view online below.

These courses provide 3 hours of verifiable CPD and take place every 6 months. They are designed to keep your technical knowledge up to date to help you comply with the ever-changing regulatory environment in the worlds of Financial Reporting and Tax. They are relevant to all FDs and CFOs, but are particularly aimed at those involved with businesses using IFRS and slightly larger entities using UK GAAP.

If you attended this course and have any feedback, we would be very grateful if you could complete our short feedback survey, where those who attended the live event can also request their CPD certificate*.

Join us for our September 2023 course

Please follow this link to sign up to our next Finance Directors Update Course on 21st September 2023.    

Catch up on demand

Introduction - Bob Trunchion, Chairperson

Bob provides an overview of the full course, along with his insights into the current business and economic environment.  (Part 1 of 7:12 mins)     

 Click below to watch the relevant session in full:

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Distributions & recent case law of interest
- Neil Parsons, Technical Director & Head of Financial Reporting (Part 2 of 7:37 mins)

Neil Parsons covers the timing and payment of lawful interim and final dividends in light of recent case law. It includes a reminder of the main rules and the need for proposed dividend payments to be supported by relevant accounts and also the matter of when a legal directors’ duty to creditors arises under the Companies Act 2006. It also highlights common issues in terms of accounting for equity dividends and areas that may need to be considered over and above the current guidance issued by the ICAEW/ICAS on the matter of distributable reserves.

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Tax Update - Felicity Butler, Tax Specialist (Part 3 of 7:43 mins)

Felicity Butler focuses on tax planning up to 31 March 2023 - what is achievable and planning for the new Pillar 2 Taxes which will need systems changes and IT buy in quickly to be ready for it.  She covers: Tax Policy from 2022, property considerations, general considerations, timing of expenditure, Capital Allowances and multinational top up tax.

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VAT Update - Jonathan Main, VAT Partner (Part 4 of 7:29 mins)

Jonathan Main provides an overview on the VAT implications of re-organisations (focussing on acquisitions and disposals), reconstructions and intra-group transactions and the key pitfalls to be aware of.

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Financial Reporting & accounting treatment for ESG
- Keeley Lund, Technical Director (Part 5 of 7:42 mins)

Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) reporting is a minefield for Finance Directors as there is very little clarity in the existing guidance available. Keeley Lund provides practical guidance, setting out the ‘what, when and where’ when it comes to making the disclosures, as well as who in your business might be best placed to help compile the relevant information.

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Innovation & R&D - Jay Bhatti, R&D Specialist (Part 6 of 7:28 mins)

Jay Bhatti focusses on the implications of recent changes by HMRC. He provides a guide to the differences between the SME scheme (Small & Medium Enterprises) and RDEC, predominantly for larger companies. He also covers the eligibility criteria, benefits of the schemes, the meaning of R&D for tax purposes, qualifying expenditure categories and recent changes to the schemes.

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Q&A – Full Panel discussion (Part 7 of 7:26 mins)

Session links:

FD Update Course Feb 23 presentation slides
BEPS Case Study

Financial Reporting & accounting treatment for ESG – referred links

* CPD certificates will be issued by the end of March 2023 to those that attended the live event and requested a certificate via the feedback form.  If for any reason you need your certificate sooner, please contact [email protected].

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