MHA | Good governance – key updates and guidance for 2021-22

Good governance – key updates and guidance for 2021-22

· Posted on: September 24th 2021 · read

In this webinar recording you will receive advice and practical guidance to help you implement good governance for your charity.

Aimed at trustees who are responsible for the good governance of their charity, as well as advisors, chief executives, financial directors and executives, this webinar recording will provide best practice recommendations, key updates, and practical guidance, to help you develop high standards of governance in your charity.

The Charity Governance Code defines good governance as being “fundamental to a charity’s success”. High standards of governance will support a charity’s compliance with the law and relevant regulations. It will promote a culture in which all activities and policies work towards fulfilling the charity’s long-term vision.

With the changing landscape of the charity sector and the impact of the pandemic, it is vital that charities put governance at the heart of their strategy now. Some key aspects to consider are the long-term goals of your charity, what policies and activities are in place to achieve those goals, and ensuring the charity is run in a legal and compliant way.

Key topics

  • Charity Governance Code – what has changed?
  • How to adopt good governance for your charity
  • Financial governance good practice
  • A Trustee’s perspective on good governance
  • Q&A

Watch the webinar in full below

Download a copy of the presentation slides below:


Find out more

If there are any topics from this webinar that you would like to talk to us more about, please do get in touch.

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