MHA | HR support for Travel & Tourism

HR support for Travel & Tourism

· Posted on: May 17th 2021 · read

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Outsourcing your HR needs to specialists allows you to access the knowledge and expertise of senior HR professionals at a fraction of the cost of employing a full-time resource in house. Trusting experts to deal with your Employment Law matters will give you the peace of mind that everything is handled in line with the latest legislation and good practice.

Let us use our HR experts to provide innovative and flexible solutions for your company when you need them.

Our efficient service and professional advice gives you peace of mind that your workforce is being managed effectively, leaving you to focus on running your organisation.

It has been a particularly difficult year for the Travel and Tourism sector. You may have placed employees on furlough under the Job Retention Scheme. You may unfortunately have had to make some redundancies. As we slowly start to return to some sort of normality, you will have HR issues to contend with.

You may need to amend hours of work to incorporate more flexibility. You may have introduced remote working during the pandemic and wish to continue with that to some degree going forward. As you battle to get your business back on track, you may also be wondering what employment legislation changes have been introduced which will impact your business.

We understand that dealing with these matters in house is not always an option.

The nature of the Travel and Tourism sector has always meant unsocial hours and flexible working patterns. During peak seasons such as summer or the Christmas period, you need your employees to work additional hours and not to take holidays.

You may also need assistance with navigating working hours for drivers or how to address issues of overnight stays. Whatever the issue, it will have employment law implications for you.

In addition, Brexit has changed the landscape for travel throughout Europe as well as having implications for any EU Nationals you may employ.

Download our advice sheet below to find out how we can help or get in contact with a member of the team here