MHA | MHA Caves Wealth Quarterly - Spring 2024 Newsletter

MHA Caves Wealth Quarterly - Spring 2024 Newsletter

· Posted on: April 24th 2024 · read

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Welcome to the latest edition of Caves Quarterly, where we review key market and financial news from the last few months, and look ahead to the future.

In this edition, we explore the main takeaways from the Spring Budget, as well as the probable lowering of interest rates in 2024 and potential effects on your savings. If you’ve been holding cash deposits, either directly or in money market funds, the benefit you’ve seen from the accumulated rise in rates will begin to dissipate.

Other articles include:

  • The renewed case for ISAs
  • Succession – have you got a plan?
  • Tax charge trap for pension withdrawals
  • Quarterly investment market review
  • …And lots more!

Download a free copy below or get in touch for a chat with a member of the team.

Should you wish to discuss any of the featured topics in greater depth, or your own financial circumstances more specifically, please do not hesitate to contact MHA Caves Wealth on 01604 621421.

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