MHA | NCVO announces plans to address power and integrity issues in…

NCVO announces plans to address power and integrity issues in the Charity sector

· Posted on: June 23rd 2022 · read

NFP e News June 2022 2 e1656001539482

Some of the highest profile stories and failings in the voluntary sector in recent years have been inextricably linked with the issues of power and integrity, The National Council for Voluntary Organisations (NCVO) argues, but responses to such issues are often siloed, managed by separate teams with limited oversight of the impact these issues have on an entire organisation.

In light of these concerns, the NCVO is set to host a new initiative, Power & Integrity (PI), which aims to enable holistic, effective and evolving integrity practice by providing a platform for Not for Profit organisations to share experiences and learnings on the issues of sexism, racism and bullying.

The initiative is set to start with the up to five organisations running workshops to help one another research and test new approaches to power structures and the role that such structures play in each of their organisations. Focus on integrity also highlights the matter as one of the Charity Governance Code’s key principles, and the need for trustees to address any potential abuses of power in order to uphold the charity’s purpose, values and public benefit.

It is hoped that the initiative, which is to be held over a period of 12-18 months, will grow into its own independent non-profit organisation to address the issues mentioned above.

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