MHA | Not for Profit eNews – February 2022

Not for Profit eNews – February 2022

· Posted on: February 22nd 2022 · read

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Welcome to the February 2022 edition of Not for Profit eNews 

In this issue, we look at the impact of inflation on the Charity sector and the use of dormant assets for Community Wealth Funds. We provide an update on the Government’s 2022 National Cyber Strategy, the New Regulations published for LGPS, and grant programmes currently available for charities.

We also look at the Charity Commission’s 5 Minute Guides for Charity Trustees that are a great aid to refreshing knowledge on a number of key areas.

Download a copy of our latest newsletter using the link below or if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Stuart Mckay.

If you have any questions about the topics raised in this issue or would like to discuss your accounting and business advisory needs with one of our sector specialists, please contact Stuart Mckay, Not for Profit Partner directly or send us an online enquiry.