MHA | Not for Profit eNews – March 2022

Not for Profit eNews – March 2022

· Posted on: March 10th 2022 · read

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In this issue, we look at the last chapter in the Kids Company fallout – the long-awaited Charity Commission report and its final conclusions and recommendations of best practice.

As Environmental issues continue to work their way up the agenda, we look at the forthcoming changes to company reporting requirements as well as reviewing the Charities Commissions post-Covid world guidance. Finally, we look at the increasing use of crypto currencies within the 3rd Sector.

Topics covered in this edition:

  • Ukraine – conscious charity responses
  • Kids Company – Charity Commission report
  • Enhanced requirement for reporting on sustainability
  • Post-Covid world for Charities – update to Commission guidance
  • Cryptocurrency and Charities

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If there are any topics within this edition that you would like to talk to us more about, please do get in touch.

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