MHA | Not for Profit eNews – March 2023

Not for Profit eNews – March 2023

· Posted on: March 10th 2023 · read

NFP e News March 2022 SM cover 6410 1678451569

Welcome to the March 2023 edition of Not for Profit eNews

In the March 2023 edition, we share the Charity Commission’s and Fundraising Regulator’s reminder on ‘giving safely’ to aid appeals in response to the earthquakes in Turkey and Syria.

We also do a deep dive in order to reflect on the recent changes to the Charity Commission’s annual return, noting the publication of an accompanying question guide and highlighting new questions which may require a significant amount of preparation time to answer.

Following the publication of Charity Reform Group’s (CRG) Speak up, we need you! Report, we explore the purpose and findings of their year-long research, and their suggestions on what the sector can do to become better represented and more influential in the ‘national conversation’.

Topics covered in this edition:

  • Turkey-Syria relief effort: ‘safe giving’ reminder
  • Charity Annual Return: question guide
  • Charity leaders urged to speak up
  • Brazel vs. Harper Trust – more changes to holiday pay?
  • Charity Finance Group: call for VAT relief for donated goods

Finally, we provide an update on last Summer’s Harpur Trust vs. Brazel Supreme Court ruling and the further changes which might arise depending on the outcome of the Northern Irish Police v Agnew case, and on the Charity Finance Group’s call to the Chancellor to provide VAT relief for donated goods.


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