MHA | Not for Profit eNews - May 2021

Not for Profit eNews - May 2021

· Posted on: May 11th 2021 · read

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Welcome to our May edition of eNews.

As the easing of lockdown continues and the summer approaches many charities will be gearing up for trading and fundraising activities and events. Accordingly, we have taken the opportunity in this edition to highlight a number of considerations.

Firstly we look at the recent advice published by the Fundraising Regulator for restarting fundraising alongside this we have given details of JustGiving’s new free service.

We have also highlighted the need to review your insurance arrangements. The sector has always been well known for its agility in ingenuity however it is important to ensure that your insurance covers your adapted activities.

Whilst many of us will be filled with optimism for the future. the Charity Commission has issued a sobering message that there is worsening financial resilience in the sector.

It may be understandable that the restarting of operations may have gotten in the way of some compliance changes.

Accordingly, we have taken the opportunity to remind you of the recent tax changes that came into force on 1st April – most notably the changes to VAT returns in the digital age.

Finally, in this edition we give details of the consultation on responsible investment for charities and details of the charity commission FAQ’s received during lockdown.

There are also many more articles of interest, so download your free copy today by clicking on the image or button below:

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If there are any topics within this edition that you would like to talk to us more about, please do get in touch.

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