MHA | Research & Development in Construction & Engineering Podcast

Research & Development in Construction & Engineering Podcast

Brendan Sharkey · Posted on: July 20th 2022 · read

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The first in our series of 'Great Conversations' podcast is now available to listen to online!

The UK R&D scheme and Patent Box regime have been instrumental in positioning British engineering & construction as the global hub for innovation.

Listen to our Great Conversations podcast below

Head of Construction, Brendan Sharkey talks to R&D Tax Specialist Jay Bhatti to get his insights on:

  • How British engineering and construction businesses are benefitting from the R&D schemes;
  • HMRC’s approach to claims;
  • Common misconceptions and potential pitfalls;
  • How the UK schemes compare internationally; and
  • What changes are on the horizon

We hope you find this podcast useful and informative and if you have any questions or would like guidance related to your individual circumstances, please get in touch

Our Speakers

Brendan Sharkey, Head of Construction

With over thirty years dedicated service to MHA MacIntyre Hudson, Brendan has worked with a wide range of businesses including quoted companies, as well as owner managed businesses from a large cross section of sectors. Brendan has led our Construction & Real Estate sector for many years and has built up a wealth of knowledge which he uses as the basis for strategic advice within the sector.

Jay Bhatti, R&D Tax Reliefs Specialist

Jay is an R&D Tax Specialist, with extensive experience in claims covering a wide array of industries and complexity. Trained as an Aeronautical Engineer, working on various leading-edge Engineering projects Jay is able to apply his technical and legislative knowledge to structure R&D Tax Claims and other incentives to maximise value, and minimise risks.

Upcoming Podcasts

We have a range of Great Conversations planned on topics including Capital Allowances, Professional Indemnity Insurance and ESG. You can listen to them all online here or download them by using Apples iTunes of Google Play.

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