MHA | SME Brexit Grant Funded Training

SME Brexit Grant Funded Training

· Posted on: June 10th 2021 · read

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5 months post Brexit - is your business coping with being exposed to customs processes and import/ export VAT as a result of the UK’s departure from the European Union? If there are still problems to be solved then upskilling your team will enable those challenges to be met.

MHA has developed a successful, in-depth and practical training course for businesses who are impacted by the customs changes resulting from Brexit.

Our training is designed to educate and support employees whose roles are directly impacted by Brexit.

To assist businesses in ensuring they can implement the Brexit changes, H.M. Revenue & Customs (HMRC) have announced the SME Brexit Support Fund of £20m.

Businesses have until the 31 August to submit claims but we know that this funding will not last long so we recommend that urgent action is taken to ensure your company does not miss out. The funding is open to SME businesses who meet the criteria as detailed here.

Applying for the grant funding means your company can have all the benefits our training provides without the cost impact on the business.

Our training meets all the requirements of the HMRC Training Grant and has been developed by an experienced ex-HMRC Customs Officer. We provided training and support throughout the last funding cycle and are listed with PWC and HMRC as a provider.

The training covers all the aspects of customs that your business will need to learn such as:

  • How Brexit will impact on your business – what are the legal requirements and easements provided by the UK
  • How to classify your goods
  • How to value your imports for customs purposes
  • Customs Duties – What are they and how are they calculated
  • Rules of Origin. What are they and how are they used
  • Import declaration process and how to minimise errors.
  • Roles and responsibilities of the importer, exporter and freight forwarder
  • Customs Procedures such as Customs Warehousing, Inward Processing and Temporary Admission
  • HMRC Customs Audits

Find out more

If you would like further guidance or to discuss in more detail the training we can offer your business, please contact your local MHA member firm.

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