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Not for Profit eNews - January 2025

Welcome to the first edition of the Not-for-Profit eNews for the 2025 year which revisists some topics which have been touched upon previously, whilst also introducing some new articles for your review.

We first look back to the announcement from last year regarding changes to National Insurance changes and the potential monetary impact that this could have on Charities, whilst also noting that there is still a chance for amendments to be passed which could ease the burden for Not-for-Profit organisations.

Next we look at the possible changes to immigration rules which may disproportionately impact faith based charities, with the minimum amount required to sponsor these workers planned to rise going forward.

We then turn to a case study of where a lack of oversight with regards to governance and no robust system of internal controls has led to Trustees associated with a Charity being banned, before refreshing and updating ourselves with the new SORP including the changes in Charity specific areas.

We finally look to reviewing the risks posed to Charities from receiving funds from possible Terrorist sources and how to mitigate against this risk.

As always, we invite you to explore these articles in greater detail below and stay informed on the latest developments in the Not for Profit sector.

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Navigating the Recent Amendments to the Charity SORP

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