MHA | MHA MacIntyre Hudson Partner speaks at NFDA Future of…

MHA MacIntyre Hudson Partner speaks at NFDA Future of Automotive Retailing Briefing

August 19th 2022
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Our Partner and Head of Automotive Advisory, Alastair Cassels delivered a very insightful presentation at the National Franchised Dealers Association (NFDA) Future of Automotive Retailing Briefing on Thursday 18th August at The British Motor Show.

The NFDA’s Future of Automotive Retailing briefing pulled several speakers together including Alastair Cassels to explore the most pertinent subjects in automotive retailing. The briefing provided both updates and discussions on the following key topics:

  • Consumer buying preferences
  • Developments in on-line and Omni-channel retailing
  • The growth of the Electric Vehicle Market
  • Manufacturer relationships including Agency models

Alastair Cassels discussed the impact of Agency on dealers' businesses by exploring what dealers need to do to proactively prepare for Agency and the questions dealers should be asking their OEM partners.

Alastair Cassels, Partner and Head of Automotive Advisory said:

"Despite the lack of contractual detail around future Agency Sales models it's really important that retailers give consideration to how the change in the distribution model might impact their business. Even retailers representing those franchises who have not publicly committed to an Agency style system of distribution shouldn't be complacent as the commercial benefit of reducing distribution costs may compel them to follow the rest of the market.

"At MHA MacIntyre Hudson we want to support dealers in modelling the future of their business and not only the potential impacts of agency but the impact of Electric Vehicles aftersales revenues and any reduction in OEM network representation. The time to scenario plan is now, even if we don't have confirmation of all the key input data."

Find out more

If we can help with your scenario planning, please get in touch with one of our EV and Automotive advisers by completing our online enquiry form

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