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LAMMA 2022

In person • 4th May 2022 - 9:00am - 5:00am

Agricultural Partners Sarah Dodds and Joe Spencer, along with the Agriculture & Rural Business team from MHA MacIntyre Hudson are delighted to be once again attending LAMMA 2022 at the NEC in Birmingham.

LAMMA is the UK’s Leading Agricultural Machinery, Equipment and Technology Show and this year celebrates its 40th anniversary. A great venue for farmers and the agriculture sector to network and view the latest agricultural machinery, equipment and technology

Free 30 min business clinic

At this year's show, both Sarah & Joe are offering a free 30-minute business clinic - giving you an opportunity to discuss any particular business issues you may have and to receive an independent opinion.

Places on the clinic are limited so if you would like to reserve a 30-minute session please click here

Alternatively, just come along to Hall 12 stand 527 and say hello to Joe, Sarah or any of the Agricultural & Rural Business team - we're so pleased to be able to finally attend in person and are looking forward to welcoming you.

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