MHA | Autumn Statement 2023: A review of Plastic Packaging Tax

Autumn Statement 2023: A review of Plastic Packaging Tax

Andrew Thurston · Posted on: November 24th 2023 · read

Plastic bottle with yellow lids

HMRC has a plan to prod businesses into using more recycled content if the current Plastic Packaging Tax (PPT) rate looks to be ineffective.

The Autumn Statement revealed a Plastic Packaging Tax (PPT) rate increase to £217.85 from April 1, 2024, and a plan for evaluating the future of the tax. This plan will be informed by data from six PPT return periods, which will provide HMRC and the Treasury insights into behavioural shifts regarding recycled packaging.

If a substantial move towards recycled plastic packaging isn't evident, businesses may face a notable escalation in the tax rate. The aim is to prod companies into prioritizing the integration of recycled content within their supply chains.

However, this proactive stance isn't without its risks. Importers of consumer goods from the Far East may find themselves in a bind. Their ability to influence manufacturers, particularly in adhering to fixed-price contracts, could be severely constrained if a sudden tax rate increase materializes.

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