MHA | Not for Profit eNews – June 2022

Not for Profit eNews – June 2022

· Posted on: June 13th 2022 · read

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Welcome to the latest edition of MHA Not for Profit eNews.

In this edition we explore the new way in which the Charity Commission will be communicating with Trustees on a more personal level.

Not for Profit eNews - June 2022

We also look at the implications of the wider changes to protests/demonstrations that were unveiled as part of the Queen's Speech that could have knock on implications for campaigning charities. We also showcase our Disputed Legacy webinar which was co-presented by law firm BDB Pitmans and the CEO of the Charity Finance Group.

Articles in this edition:

  • Charity Commission to improve communication with charities by targeting relationships with trustees
  • Campaigning restrictions warning for charities
  • Legacies popularity set to continue to rise
  • NCVO announces plans to address power and integrity issues in the Charity sector
  • The Importance of ESG (Environmental, Social & Governance) in the Not for Profit Sector

Finally, we take a look at two big issues in the sector, the first being the upcoming triennial review of the Local Government Pension Scheme - in this article we have a pensions expert giving some top tips on how to prepare for your forthcoming valuation. Secondly we highlight the need for charities to be thinking about their ESG policies ahead of forthcoming reforms.

Find out more

If there are any topics within this edition that you would like to talk to us more about, please do get in touch.

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