MHA | Not for Profit eNews - March 2021

Not for Profit eNews - March 2021

· Posted on: March 8th 2021 · read

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Welcome to the latest edition of eNews for 2021 from MHA

In this edition, we look at some of the emerging issues for Charities of Brexit as well as an initial look at the March Budget, and an update on the Shared Prosperity Fund. We also explore some of the knock on effects that Coronavirus support payments might have on your corporation tax position including early information on ‘Making Tax Digital’ for Corporation Tax and how it is going to affect Charities.

Following the recent High Court ruling on the case against former Kids Company Trustees and its Director we have interviewed the leading defence law firm to find out what lessons can be learnt from this high profile case.

There are also many more articles of interest, so please download your free copy today!

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If there are any topics within this edition that you would like to talk to us more about, please do get in touch.

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