MHA | Not for Profit eNews – October 2022

Not for Profit eNews – October 2022

· Posted on: October 13th 2022 · read

NFP e News October 2022 1a

Welcome to the latest edition of MHA Not for Profit eNews.

In this edition of eNews, we focus on the ever-increasing pressures on the sector to deliver more with less, such as the Fundraising Regulator’s announcement that it will be increasing its levies, but also some opportunities available to the sector, such as increased National Lottery funding and the introduction of the Energy Bill Relief Scheme. We also include a piece written by MHA’s HR Solutions team regarding Employment Law and HR considerations applicable for entities currently engaging volunteers, and those thinking about doing so.

Not for Profit eNews – October 2022

Articles in this edition:

  • National Lottery funding pledged to increase
  • Fundraising Regulator launches new strategic plan, leading to potential increases in levy
  • Energy Bill Relief Scheme brings welcome relief to charities
  • Act now: legacy gifts are on the up
  • IN FOCUS Volunteers – key considerations
  • Save the date: Charity Fraud Awareness Week 2022
  • Trustee Charity Finance Competency Survey 2022

Finally, we are pleased to announce that we will be launching our latest survey assessing the financial competence of charity trustees this month, the third such survey we have led in collaboration with the Charity Finance Group.

Find out more

If there are any topics within this edition that you would like to talk to us more about, please do get in touch.

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